‘Simple test’ improves dementia prediction rates
Among patients with declining Mini-Mental State Examination scores, administration of the Visual Association Test may help identify those at higher risk for dementia, according to findings that were just published in Annals of Family Medicine.

2002 Aug;73(2):126-33.
Visual association test to detect early dementia of the Alzheimer type.
The visual association test (VAT) is a brief learning task based on imagery mnemonics. The test materials consist of six line drawings of pairs of interacting objects or animals-for example, an ape holding an umbrella. The person is asked to name each object and, later, is presented with one object from the pair and asked to name the other.
To verify that the task induces robust incidental or effortless learning (study 1), and to study the efficiency of the test as a discriminator between early dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) and non-demented people (study 2) and non-DAT types of dementia (study 3).
This works because the more ridiculous an association the easier it is to remember.
So draw your rabbits driving cars, bears bowling , and penguins plating base ball.
