I paid the big bucks to go to the Dallas 9th annual integrative medicine for mental health convention. This was for medical professionals, and the MD count was 537. It was good to see the physicions finally catching up. Here is the best take away.
Dr. Shaw in his lecture targeted nutrician for brain health gives the best supplements for brain maintenance and repair for a head injury. The list is below. He continued to lecture an hour on each ingredient. The screen was filled with complex organic chemistry, and references to white papers which are the scientific pares concerning each item on the list. All to say, this is back up by lots of medical sciences.
THE LIST ( all of these are available

at your local health food store)
3000 mg essential fatty acids from cod liver oil
100 mg vitamin B6
2000mcg methucobnalamin B12 sublingual
2000 mcg metheltetrafolate
250 mg CDP choline
5000 mcp biotin
200 mg magnesium citrate
zinc 50 mg
Lithium 5 mg.
Each one of these nutricionl supliment acts as a substrate of co enzyme for a neurologiocval reaction.
Having had a brain injury, I found my mood stabilizing and memory making a recovery. Moreover, I had more energy and less depressive symptoms.
Dr. Dan